It’s never easy to end something, and it’s even more difficult when it is a friends with benefits situation to start with. Maybe you found the perfect casual sex partner on your favorite meet and fuck site, but now you are finding that they are just too clingy. Or maybe the hottie from the hookup app who has been the best FWB encounter for you is now suddenly interested in taking it to the next level. But you aren’t. Whatever the reason that you need to cut them off, follow these 3 simple tips to make it as easy as possible for both of you.


Tell your truth from the beginning

Although this sounds counterintuitive because we are talking about ending a FWB, the more you speak your truth from the beginning, the better. So you have found a person on your fuckbuddy app and you are just getting started. Make sure to be clear about your intentions. Do you want a one-night stand? A friend with benefits? Are you interested in possibly building a longer-term thing? Make all of your desires clear from the beginning, and then if it doesn’t work out you will always have these ideas to fall back on.


Play by the rules

If it has been clear from the beginning when you first met this person on the meet and fuck app what you are looking for, whether casual sex or something a bit more lasting, make sure that you set up some boundaries around these ideas. If you are looking for a FWB, then don’t spend every waking moment with them. Don’t share feelings and ideas if all you are looking for is a good time. Also, if you start falling for your fuckbuddy for real, you need to tell them that, so that you can both be on the same page.


Keep your own best interests in mind

At the end of the day, you only need to make yourself happy. If you had originally wanted a casual fuck friend from the fuck app and you don’t think it is working out, then tell the truth and leave the situation gracefully. There is no use drawing out the inevitable. And considering your favorite meet and fuck site has a lot more candidates, wasting time on someone who is not exactly in tune with what you want is just not a good idea.


In matters of the heart and sex, it is best to trust your gut and do what is best for you. If you were set on a friends with benefits scenario and set up the situation that way, but you are no longer feeling it, then take your leave so you can both move on and find something that makes you truly happy. Fuck sites are for meeting up with people online and having casual sex with them. That’s what everyone signs up for so there’s no shame in leaving a situation that is no longer serving your sexual needs.