If you are trying to hook up with someone for fun on a fuck site, the last thing you want to do is to create a profile that doesn’t accurately reflect who you are. If you meet someone, they need to meet the real you, and it all starts with your profile. There are definitely some DON’Ts when it comes to creating a great hookup site profile, so make sure not to fall into the traps below. If you create a good profile, you can enjoy some interesting and life-giving fucks and hookups.
Although it might be tempting, lying to make yourself look better will backfire. If you want to have casual sex, the least you can do is show who you really are so there are no surprises. Once a partner starts talking to you, the truth tends to come out quickly, so just make honesty the best policy from the start.
One important thing to remember is to add pictures to your profile. And it should go without saying that they are pictures of you! Interested parties will get suspicious if there are zero photos, and will think the worst of you. A few action shorts or pictures that show off your personality are the best way to go.
Another bad idea for a profile is being offensive. Whether you add rude comments or information to your profile, or say offensive things about other people’s profiles, there is no room for this on a meet and fuck site. This will immediately be a turn-off for anyone that has found your hookup site and might be interested in you. Try to be kind to everyone and only engage with folks you are DTF. If you have an insult-kink, make that known in your profile before trying it on anyone.
Sometimes people are too shy or quiet when they set up their profile, but you should be willing to brag a bit. In order to shine and show who you really are, you may need to go out of your comfort zone and explain your hobbies and your good qualities. In this sense, it is not bragging, but trying to help people see who you really are.
But beware. Although confidence is sexy, if you are too bold or cocky in your profile, that is a definite turn-off. Having some confidence is great, but if you take it too far you risk people scrolling right past you and not taking you seriously. It’s a balancing act between appearing to have it together without coming across as someone who is full of it.
Did you like our list? When creating your profile, if you avoid this list above you will be more able to find some quality hookup candidates that are interested in you. And that is definitely what it’s all about!